
【美国华网胡大江2月21日芝加哥报道】芝加哥“香港華協會”(Hong Kong Club)與“美中香港商會”(The Hong Kong Business Association of the Midwest)2月21日在南华埠富丽华酒楼聯合舉辦龍年新春慶祝晚宴,新老朋友在聚會聯誼的同時,以期推動芝加哥地區與香港在經濟、貿易等各方面的合作商機。此次活动得到了香港招商局驻芝加哥办事处的大力帮助。


〝美中香港商會〞成立於1987年,已經有25年歷史,是一個不牟利組識,舉凡港資駐美機構或美港之間有生意往來之公司、專業人員、高層代表均被招攬為會員。〝美中香港商會〞往年也舉辦慶祝中國新年的聯誼餐會活動,為會員及各界嘉賓提供一個交流經驗、資訊、商機、合作、聯誼的平臺。由於其會員多來自西裔主流社會, 以往慶祝中國新年的聚餐活動均環繞在芝加哥市中心。近年來、〝香港华协會〞與〝香港商會〞之間的互動比較密切,由於雙方都立足于推動香港与芝加哥之間的經濟、貿易寻求商機有着共同的目標與理想,故有了這次合作搞活動的構思,並首次將活動場地移到唐人街,以期增加對僑社的認識和結交僑社工商界人仕。香港会朱庆龙会长表示:我們希望這次的成功合作能拓展出以後更多的合作前景,共同為推動香港、芝加哥之間的經濟貿易而努力,同時推動芝加哥華埠的繁榮。














Good evening to all of our honored guests, I am Alan Chu President of the Hong Kong Club.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to the 2012 Year of the dragon Hong Kong Dinner Reception .

Today marks a special day in Chinese culture. It is the last day to celebrate and welcome the 2012 Chinese New Year. I would like to take this time to wish you a prosperous, happy, healthy, and of course, wealthy Year of the Dragon.

We are pleased to meet and greet all those who are not familiar with the Hong Kong Club. In 1994, we established the Hong Kong Club and have since, celebrated 18 successful years.  We are a non-profit organization.  Hong Kong club members consist of great people who have lived, worked, and studied in Hong Kong. We have 25 members on the board and about 200 members total.

The mission of the Hong Kong Club is to provide a network promoting friendship, business and cultural activities. Our community involvement ranges from cultural to educational programs, social gatherings, and donations. We organize visits to retirement homes, educational funding for cultural exchange programs in the Chinatown Community, donations to natural disaster reliefs, and many other types of community services.

The Hong Kong Business Association was established 24 years ago in 1987. They are a non-profit organization that conducts business outside the Chinatown community. The Hong Kong Business Association and the Hong Kong Club have similar goals for promoting networking opportunities for many to become connected to Hong Kong through business, culture and other purposes. 

We look forward to tonight’s joint celebration held in Chinatown. We are excited to work together with HKBAM to focus on trade and commerce between Chicago and Hong Kong. This will be the first of many successful joint ventures our organizations will share. 

From all of us at the Hong Kong Club, we thank you for providing your support at this dinner, as well as all future events.