美国国会众议员拉贾·克里希纳莫蒂(Raja Krishnamoorthi)何许人也?

美国华网转发《芝加哥华语论坛》快讯并评论:刚刚收到张大卫社长发来的快讯“侨胞们要注意这一篇报道”。读起来总感觉摸不着头脑,不知道快讯要求侨胞们注意什么东西?为什么要去注意一篇报道?一篇报道有什么值得注意的地方?读者不喜欢读那些需要猜来猜去的文章或报道。有什么就说什么?读者没有时间陪你猜谜语。我读快讯感觉不怎么爽,因为我也算是芝加哥的一个“华人华侨”,可是我对那个被快讯称之为“熟知的联邦众议员”拉贾·克里希纳莫蒂(Raja Krishnamoorthi)真的是一点也不认识,谈何“熟知”?只是最近参加了两个活动才见到了这个“熟知”。





以下是拉贾·克里希纳莫蒂(Raja Krishnamoorthi)访问台湾与蔡英文合影照片和照片说明。拉贾·克里希纳莫蒂(Raja Krishnamoorthi)参加芝加哥华人社区活动的照片和华人社区支持拉贾·克里希纳莫蒂(Raja Krishnamoorthi)筹款会广告样板。

美联社在发表拉贾议员访问台湾新闻报道时发的照片和说明In this photo released by the Taiwan Presidential Office, Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen, right, meets with Rep. Mike Gallagher, the Republican chair of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, center, and Raja Krishnamoorthi, D.-Ill., in Taipei, Taiwan, Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024. (Taiwan Presidential Office via AP)









(《芝加哥华语论坛》报快讯)2月22日上午,美联社发表了一条新闻,我们放在下面,希望大家都看一看。该新闻翻译中文时我们没有仔细推敲,但主要意思是清楚的。为什么要看?因为新闻里提到的这位拉贾·克里希纳莫蒂(Raja Krishnamoorthi)是我们华侨华人的熟知的联邦众议员。






周四与台湾总统蔡英文会面时,众议院中国共产党特别委员会共和党主席迈克·加拉格尔(Mike Gallagher)众议员强调了两党对美台伙伴关系的支持,他称这种伙伴关系“更强大、更强大”。现在比以往任何时候都坚如磐石。”




该代表团由威斯康星州共和党人加拉格尔和伊利诺伊州民主党人拉贾·克里希纳莫蒂率领,预计将在台湾停留三天,作为印度太平洋地区更大规模访问的一部分。其他成员包括密歇根州共和党众议员约翰·莫勒纳尔 (John Moolenaar);达斯蒂·约翰逊,RS.D;和塞思·莫尔顿(Seth Moulton),马萨诸塞州民主党人。




克里希纳莫提是众议院特别委员会中国共产党的民主党高层。该委员会成立于 2023 年,举行了多次听证会,重点关注人权、贸易、网络入侵以及两个超级大国之间日益紧张的紧张关系的其他核心问题。

2月初,美国商务部宣布,墨西哥二十多年来首次超过中国,成为美国进口商品的主要来源国。2023 年,时任众议院议长凯文·麦卡锡在美国本土举行了一次罕见的高层会议,接待了台湾总统。




台湾是2月13日在参议院通过的950亿美元援助计划的一部分,但在众议院却陷入停滞。该计划主要针对乌克兰和以色列,其中包括 19 亿美元用于补充美国向台湾提供的武器。另外33亿美元将用于建造更多美国制造的潜艇,以支持与澳大利亚和英国的安全伙伴关系。



Krishnamoorthi Co-Leads Congress Members in Trip Praising Taiwan’s Democracy; Visit Certain to Draw China’s Scrutiny

Associated Press | February 22, 2024 10:43 am


In this photo released by the Taiwan Presidential Office, Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen, right, meets with Rep. Mike Gallagher, the Republican chair of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, center, and Raja Krishnamoorthi, D.-Ill., in Taipei, Taiwan, Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024. (Taiwan Presidential Office via AP)In this photo released by the Taiwan Presidential Office, Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen, right, meets with Rep. Mike Gallagher, the Republican chair of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, center, and Raja Krishnamoorthi, D.-Ill., in Taipei, Taiwan, Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024. (Taiwan Presidential Office via AP)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A group of United States Congress members met with Taiwan’s president Thursday in a show of bipartisan support that is certain to draw scrutiny from China, which opposes such visits and sees them as a challenge to its claim of sovereignty over the self-governing island.

Two years ago, a visit by then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan resulted in China dispatching warships and military aircraft to all sides of the democratic island, and firing ballistic missiles into the waters nearby.

In a meeting Thursday with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, Rep. Mike Gallagher, the Republican chair of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, highlighted the bipartisan support for the U.S.-Taiwan partnership, which he described as “stronger and more rock-solid than ever now.”

The U.S., like most countries, doesn’t formally recognize Taiwan as a country but maintains robust informal relations with the island and is bound by its own laws to provide it with the weapons it needs to defend itself.

Gallagher thanked Tsai, who is nearing the end of her second and last term in office, for her leadership in Taiwan and for distinguishing herself “as a leader within the free world.”

Tsai thanked the U.S. for continuing to help Taiwan strengthen its self-defense capabilities.

“Together we are safeguarding freedom and democracy and maintaining regional peace,” she said, adding that she hoped to see more exchanges between the U.S. and Taiwan in a range of domains.

In Beijing, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said that China opposes any form of official exchange between the U.S. and Taiwan. “Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory,” she said.

The delegation, led by Gallagher, R-Wis., and Raja Krishnamoorthi, D.-Ill., was expected to be in Taiwan for three days as part of a larger visit to the Indo-Pacific region. Other members include Reps. John Moolenaar, R-Mich.; Dusty Johnson, R-S.D.; and Seth Moulton, D-Mass.

Consisting of some of Congress’ staunchest critics of China, the bipartisan delegation was to meet with other senior Taiwanese leaders and members of civil society to discuss U.S.-Taiwan relations, regional security and trade, among other issues of mutual interest.

Krishnamoorthi said Taiwan is one of the United States’ “closest friends” and a role model for democracy, after Lai Ching-te emerged victorious as Taiwan’s president-elect and vowed to safeguard the island’s de facto independence from China and further align it with other democracies.

“It’s one of the most robust, most vibrant, one of the most exciting democracies in the world,” Krishnamoorthi said. “And this year, when half of the world’s population will be going to the polls to vote, you provided a role model for how elections should be conducted, and for that we salute you on this peaceful transfer of power, and you are an exemplar of democracy.”

Krishnamoorthi is the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party’s ranking Democrat. The committee was formed in 2023 and has held numerous hearings focused on human rights, trade, cyber intrusions and other issues central to the rising tensions between the two superpowers.

Earlier in February, the Commerce Department announced that for the first time in more than two decades, Mexico surpassed China as the leading source of goods imported by the United States. In 2023, then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy hosted Taiwan’s president in a rare high-level meeting on U.S. soil.

The shows of support for Taiwan reflect the growing willingness by many in Congress to confront China on a range of issues as economic relations between the two nations deteriorate.

Taiwan has been under “hybrid” pressure from China, especially in the military and economic spheres, Foreign Minister Joseph Wu said at a news conference following the meeting.

The support Taiwan receives from both parties in the U.S. is a bulwark against military conflict with China, Gallagher said.

But, he added, democracies like those in Taiwan and the U.S., while sometimes messy, remain “unbeatable.”

Taiwan was part of the $95-billion aid package that passed the Senate on Feb. 13, but has stalled in the House. That package, which focused on Ukraine and Israel, included $1.9 billion to replenish U.S. weapons provided to Taiwan. Another $3.3 billion would go to build more U.S.-made submarines in support of a security partnership with Australia and the United Kingdom.