
美国华网王敏华胡大江摄影报道:由芝加哥东方艺术团合唱团主办的美中地区合唱交流音乐会2023年10月15日下午2时在芝加哥西北郊Maggie Atcher Theatre 201 Schaumburg Ct . Schaumburg IL 60193举办。当天参加演出的有圣路易斯长江艺术团合唱团,黄河艺术团,圣路易斯橄榄树组合,芝加哥华人艺术团,芝加哥东方艺术团合唱团。谢谢王勋夫妇,Frank Cai,Andrew Louie,田军,蒋屏,武航建,阿历克斯 弗瑞兹,秀妹,胡蝶梦等提供的照片视频。

全体合唱团合唱《这世界有那么多人》指挥:刘璐阳 钢琴伴奏:Robert Holst






Good afternoon
Ladies and gentlemen, fellow performers, and music lovers,
 On behalf of the Choir Festival Committee and Hou Li chroal fund, welcome to the Second Midwest Choral Festival, where we celebrate the beauty of harmony and the power of music. We’re delighted to welcome not only the remarkable choirs from our local communities, both American and Chinese, but also the choirs from St. Louis who have traveled to join us in this harmonious celebration.

 I also want to express our deep gratitude to the Hou Li Choral Fund for their generous funding, which has made this event possible. Your support is invaluable in promoting the arts and bringing communities together.
 Additionally, a big thank you to all the staff members who have dedicated their time and effort to make this event a reality. Your hard work and commitment are greatly appreciated.
As we stand here today, our music may come from different traditions and cultures, but it is our shared love for this art that unites us. Through the preparation and dedication of countless hours of practice, we have discovered the joy of discipline, the rewards of teamwork, and the excitement of creating something beautiful. The fruits of our effort are not just for our own enjoyment, but for all those who will listen to our voices today.
 To my fellow choir members, remember that every note you sing can touch someone’s heart. Let your voices echo not just in this hall but in the hearts of everyone who hears you.
 Thank you all for joining us today in this celebration of music. As we come together in harmony, may this Choir Festival leave us with cherished memories, inspire us to continue singing together, and bring joy into our lives through music.

圣路易斯长江艺术团合唱团《人生总是美好的传奇》《花又落》指挥:胡彤 钢琴伴奏:张睿原,Michael Wedoff


芝加哥华人艺术团合唱英文版中国流行金曲《传奇》 指挥 武航建 (洛歌)伴奏:谭俊豪


黄河艺术团无伴奏混声合唱《二泉映月》《少年壮志不言愁》指挥:叶玲 声乐指导:王小立

芝加哥华人艺术团女声合唱《西风的话》钢琴伴奏 武航建(洛歌)指挥 谭俊豪

东方艺术团合唱团男小合《我的心里只有你没有她》钢琴伴奏:Robert Holst





东方艺术团合唱团女声合唱《爱的喜悦》指挥:卫鸿 钢琴伴奏:Robert Holst 小提琴伴奏:Brian Yang

东方艺术团合唱团合唱《这世界有那么多人》指挥:刘璐阳 钢琴伴奏:Robert Holst


东方艺术团合唱团合唱《和谐世界》指挥:刘璐阳 钢琴伴奏:Robert Holst


东方艺术团合唱团合唱《雪花的快乐》指挥:刘璐阳 钢琴伴奏:Robert Holst

全体合唱团合唱《这世界有那么多人》指挥:刘璐阳 钢琴伴奏:Robert Holst

VVC 美国合唱团因故未能参加演出,团长Karen发来贺词:Very glad to have met you both as well. We were so Impressed
and entertained. The flow of the show went so smoothly and the talent, was so wonderful, the harmony and voices. What the 3 of us were so jealous about was both yours and all other women’s flowing and beautiful feminine dresses.
Also. The theater had excellent sound and the special effects with the lighting was so fitting to each performance. Nice job putting this all together. Loved it and one way or another I will be back.
Take care and tell the ladies they looked and sang wonderful.
Sincerely, Karen