




今年的拉斯克基础医学研究奖授予Demis Hassabis和John Jumper,以表彰他们在创造AlphaFold人工智能(AI)系统方面的贡献,该系统可根据氨基酸一级(1D)序列预测蛋白质的三维(3D)结构。


阿尔兹海默症中的β 淀粉样蛋白和Tau 蛋白 – 试剂盒
abcam.cnhttps://www.abcam.cn › beta-amyl…
虽然观察到可溶的寡聚体和不可溶的纤维丝都存在于阿尔兹海默症中,但其真正的致病机制尚未明确。这里我们将介绍Aβ 从APP 中产生的过程,以及Aβ 的构像差异与阿尔兹海默症 …

中国疾病预防控制中心https://m.chinacdc.cn › gwxx
Aug 22, 2023 — 这些神经元的损伤或死亡是由蛋白质错误折叠和聚集引起的,

@潘力刚 地产.激光.IT.AI.医学.生物 给AlphaFold颁奖,强调AlphaFold对蛋白质功能退化引起的疾病会有帮助,但阿尔茨海默病是由蛋白质错误折叠和聚集引起的,AlphaFold对这些错误折叠的蛋白质结构是没法预测的。



AlphaFold developers Demis Hassabis and John Jumper …Journal of Clinical Investigationhttps://www.jci.org › articles › view3 days ago — During his studies, Dr. Jumper developed both an extremely fast and clever molecular dynamics (MD) method and a new machine learning approach for simultaneously training all the energy function parameters

DeepMind’s original version of AlphaFold outperformed the other methods in the template-free category (14), but it did not yet achieve the 1 Å accuracy needed to transform people’s view of protein structure prediction. The DeepMind structure prediction group, now being led by Dr. Jumper, accomplished that feat in CASP14 in 2020 (1).

To achieve this success, they developed a whole new AI architecture, recognizing that they were predicting protein structures going from a 1D sequence to a 3D physical structure (2, 15). Their approach, along with the inclusion of physics and evolutionary information, was designed into AlphaFold at many stages. Rather than operating a one-directional pipeline, the various algorithmic steps communicate back and forth with each other

While the physical principles of protein structure are included throughout AlphaFold, there are instances where biophysics was sacrificed for expediency (2, 15). Fundamentally, proteins are polymers, which governs many of their biophysical properties. Nevertheless, this property was not required in the early search stages of the pipeline. Rather, the protein starts as a “residue gas” where each amino acid monomer is free to move as an independent unit, with the backbone connectivity being realized only after the units have found their native positions.




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ChatGPT的推理能力相对有限,这是由其基于统计模型的本质和训练数据的限制所决定的。 尽管ChatGPT在大规模文本数据上进行了训练,但它并没有真正的推理能力,不能像人类一样进行逻辑推理、抽象思维和推断。 ChatGPT主要通过模式匹配和统计学习来生成回答。Jun 30, 2023ChatGPT的推理能力是否有限? 原创 – CSDN博客

ChatGPT的回答没有逻辑,如何加强它的逻辑推理能力?知乎https://www.zhihu.com › answerFeb 17, 2023 — 如果问ChatGPT需要「多步推理」才能解决的问题,它回答的时候很没有逻辑

While it has been exposed to a vast amount of internet text, the training data isn’t specifically geared toward mathematical concepts and problem-solving. As a result, ChatGPT may lack the necessary mathematical knowledge and reasoning abilities required to handle complex math problems.Sep 6, 2023Why Is ChatGPT Bad at Math? | Baeldung on Computer Science

While it has been exposed to a vast amount of internet text, the training data isn’t specifically geared toward mathematical concepts and problem-solving. As a result, ChatGPT may lack the necessary mathematical knowledge and reasoning abilities required to handle complex math problems.Sep 6, 2023

Why Is ChatGPT Bad at Math? | Baeldung on Computer Science
