《冠狀病毒援助,救濟和經濟安全(CARES)法案》 小型企業主指南




  • 足够的资金支付要保留的员工的薪水?请查看薪水保障计划贷款” Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
  • 少量现金用以立即支付您所需费用?请看紧急经济伤害补助金”。Emergency Economic Injury Grant (EIDL)
  • 减缓当前或日后SBA贷款所要支付的债务 请查看小型企业债务减免计划”。The Small Business Debt Relief Program.
  • 如需要提供一些优良的免费谘询服务,来帮助您度过这个不确定的经济困难期,有资源合作机构可以帮助。




PPP-1 题:哪些类型的企业和机构有资格获得PPP贷款?


  • 企业和机构必须在2020年2月15日已经营业。
  • 小形商业、及其他商业机构,包括501(c)(3)非营利组织,501(c)(19)退伍军人组织,或第31(b)(2)(C)条例”部族商业机构” 等,而员工人数少于500名者。或如超过以上员工,则依”北美行业分类系统”(NAICS)下的SBA行业适用员工规模为标准。
  • 独资企业,或独立个人承包商,以及个人自雇者。
  • 任何NAICS代码中以72开头的企业,在每个业务地点僱用不超过500名员工的,都将免除其隶属规则。
  • 对于由连锁经营企业授权并由小型企业投资公司提供资金的企业,如果它有连锁经营机构的确认代码,则也免除任何加盟企业的隶属关係规则。

PPP-2 题:什麽是隶属规则?

答:当SBA决定企业是否符合“小规模” 条件时,从属关係规则变得很重要。通常,当一个企业控制或有权控制另一企业,或第三方(或多方)能控制或有权控制这两个企业时,就存在从属关係。请参阅此手册,以获取有关这些规则的更多信息,及了解它们如何影响您的业务参预PPP的资格。

PPP-3 题:哪些类型的非营利组织有资格?


PPP-4 题:如何确定贷款金额?


  • 如果您是在2019年2月15日至2019年6月30日营业:您的最高贷款额等于该时期平均每月工资成本的250%。如果您的企业僱用了季节性员工,则可以选择2019年3月1日作为您的时间段开始日期。
  • 如果您在2019年2月15日至2019年6月30日之间没有营业:您的最高贷款额等于2020年1月1日至2020年2月29日平均月工资成本的250%。
    • 如果您在2020年2月15日至2020年6月30日之间提取了  ”经济伤害灾难贷款” Economic Injury Disaster Loan(EIDL),并要将该贷款再融资为PPP贷款,则可以将未偿还的贷款金额添加到工资总额中。

PPP-5 题:哪些费用符合工资核算条件?


  • 补偿(薪金,工资,佣金或类似的补偿,以现金支付小费或其他类似支出)
  • 休假,育儿,家庭,医疗或病假的薪水
  • 解僱或离职费用
  • 提供团体医疗保健福利支付的款项,包括保险费
  • 任何退休福利的支付
  • 因僱员补偿金的支付而缴纳的州税或地方税

PPP-6 题:哪些费用不符合薪资条件?


  • 薪酬超过100,000美元的僱员/企业主
  •   根据IRS法规第21、22和24章徵收或扣留的税款
  • 主要居住地在美国境外的员工的薪酬
  • 符合《家庭第一冠状病毒应对法》Families First coronavirus Response Act第7001和7003条的规定下,已经付掉的合资格的病假和家庭成员病假费用

PPP-7 题:PPP贷出的款项允许用在什麽地方?


  • 工资成本(如上所述)
  • 与带薪病假,医疗或家事假期间继续提供团体医疗保险有关的费用,以及保险费
  • 员工的薪金,佣金或类似补偿金(请参阅上述被排除事项)
  • 任何抵押债务的利息支付(不包括抵押债务的任何本金预付款)
  • 租金(包括租赁协议下的租金)
  • 水电杂费
  • 涵盖疫情之前发生的任何其他债务责任的利息

PPP-8 题:贷款期限,利率和费用是多少?


PPP-9 题:如何计算减免额?


  • 工资成本加上任何疫埥期内抵押贷款义务的利息支付(不包括任何预付疫情期抵押贷款义务上的本金支付)加上任何疫情期内租金义务的支付,再加上任何疫情期内的水电费的支付。

PPP-10 题:如何获得PPP贷款的减免?


  • 准确僱员人数及工资额的文件,包括  ”IRS工资税申报表” IRS payroll tax filing,和本州的收入表格、工资单和失业保险申报表。
  • 证明疫情期间抵押贷款的支出,租赁支出和水电费付款的文件。
  • 您企业或组织的代表出具证明,该代表被授权证明所提供的文件是真实的,并且根据申请指南而使用了的减免额。

PPP-11 题:减免期过后会怎样?


PPP-12 题:我能否获得一份以上的PPP贷款?

答:不可以,一个机构只能有一项PPP贷款。每项贷款将在SBA上以”纳税人识别号” Taxpayer Identification Number进行注册,以防止同一机构享有多项贷款。

PPP-13 题:我应该从哪裡获得PPP贷款?

答:当前的所有SBA 7(a)的贷方(请参阅下一章关于7(a)的更多内容)都是有资格进行PPP的贷方。财政部还将负责授权新的贷方,包括非银行贷方,以满足小企业主的需求。

PPP-14 题:PPP贷款与SBA现有的贷款如何协调?

答:借款人可以申请PPP贷款和其它SBA金融援助,包括”经济伤害灾难贷款”(EIDL),7(a)贷款,504贷款和小额贷款,还可以从 ”小型企业投资公司”(SBIC)获得投资资金。但是,您不能将PPP贷款与其他SBA贷款用于同一目的。例如,如果您使用PPP支付8周保障期内的薪资,则不能使用其他SBA贷款支付该时期内相同的薪资,但您可以将其用于该段时间,或其它不同时间的其他工人的薪资。

PPP-15 题:PPP贷款如何与  ”临时紧急经济伤害补助金”和”小企业债务减免计划”一起使用?

答:接受了"紧急经济伤害补助金"和"经济伤害灾难贷款"(EIDL),以及通过 ”小企业债务减免计划” 获得贷款减免的企业或机构,可以申请并获得PPP贷款。只要资金使用没有重複即可。请参阅如下这些部分以获取更多信息:





DRP-1 题:根据该计划,哪些SBA贷款有资格减免债务?

答:不在“薪资保护计划”(PPP)内发放的7(a) 型贷款、504贷款、小额贷款均符合条件。” 灾难贷款”不符合可免债务的资格(如需更多信息,  请参见“经济伤害灾难贷款” (EIDL) 和紧急经济伤害补助金)。

DRP-2 题:此计划下的债务减免如何与PPP贷款一起运作?




DRP-4 题:什么是7(a)贷款,我该如何申请?

答:7(a)贷款是一种可负担的贷款产品,借款人在其他地方缺乏资信,但需要获得多用途融资,以提供短期或长期营运资金。可以购买现成的业务,或把现有业务的债务再融资,或购买家具,固定设备和物资。供款人可以提供最高500万美元的贷款。在该计划中,银行与SBA共同承担部分贷款风险。7(a)贷款有多种类型,您可以访问网站来找到最适合您的一种。您向银行或负担此事项的贷款者申请7(a)贷款。SBA有一个免费的推荐服务工具,称为“贷方匹配”Lender Match,可帮助您找到附近的贷方。

DRP-5 题:什麽是504贷款,我该如何申请?

答:504贷款计划向已批准的小企业提供高达550万美元的贷款,这些贷款具有长期,固定的利率,可用于购买固定资产以进行扩张或企业现代化。如果您需要购买房地产,建筑物和机械,这是一个不错的选择。您通过”认证发展公司”Certified Development Company申请,该公司是促进经济发展的非营利性公司。SBA有一个免费的推荐服务工具,称为 “贷方匹配” Lender Match,可帮助您找到您附近的贷方。

DRP-6 题:什麽是小额贷款,我该如何申请?

答:小额贷款计划(微型贷款计划)提供最高50,000美元的贷款,以帮助小型企业和某些非营利性幼儿照护中心的建立和扩展。平均小额贷款约为13,000美元。这些贷款是通过负担抗疫使命的贷方提供的,贷方还可以提供业务谘询。 SBA有一个免费的推荐贷方的服务,称为Lender Match,可帮助您找到附近的小额贷款人。

DRP-7 题:我不熟悉SBA贷款,有人可以帮我申请吗?


“经济伤害灾难贷款” (EIDL) 和紧急经济伤害补助金

在申请SBA”经济伤害灾难贷款”(EIDL)的三天内,受COVID-19损害的小型企业和私人非营利组织可获得高达10,000美元的紧急预付款。要获取预付款,您首先需要申请EIDL,然后请求预付款。 在任何情况下都无需偿还预付款,该预付款可用于保持员工工资,支付病假,支付因供应链中断而增加的生产成本,或支付包括债务,租金和抵押贷款在内的商业支出 。


EIDL-1 题:我所在州的企业和私人非营利组织是否有资格获得与COVID-19相关的EIDL?


EIDL-2 题:什麽是EIDL,它的作用是什麽?


EIDL-3 题:谁有资格获得EIDL?


  • 有僱员或无僱员的独资企业,
  • 独立承包商
  • 股份公司及员工共有的企业
  • 少数民族聚居区的小企业


EIDL-4 题:我的私人非盈利组织不是501(c)(3)。它仍然有资格获得EIDL和资助款吗?

答:有资格,如果您是具有IRS的有效批件的私人非盈利组织,可以根据1954年《国内税收法》Internal Revenue Code of 1954第501(c),(d)或(e)条款给予免税。或者您可以提供来自你那个州的有效証据表明,你的机构是根据该州法律成立并经营的不产生收入的组织。但是,如果该机构主要是在宗教或非宗教场合从事宣导,指教,谘询或传播宗教信仰;或者主要从事政治或游说活动的,将不符合获得EIDL的资格。如果您不确定是否符合资格,请谘询法律顾问,以确定您的组织是否符合计划申请标准。

EIDL-5 题:谁有资格获得紧急经济伤害补助金?


EIDL-6.  题:可申请使用“紧急经济伤害补助金” Emergency Economic Injury Grant 的有效期间有多长?


EIDL-7.  题:如果我获得EIDL和/或  ”紧急经济伤害补助金”,还可以获得PPP贷款吗?

答:在2020年1月31日至2020年6月30日之间,无论您已经获得与COVID-19无关的EIDL,还是获得与COVID-19相关的EIDL, 和/或  “紧急补助金”,您还是可以申请PPP贷款。如果您最终获得PPP贷款, 或将EIDL再融资为PPP贷款,则从“紧急经济伤害补助计划”中收到的任何预付的款项, 都将从PPP中可以减免的金额中扣除。但是,您不能将EIDL与PPP贷款用于同一目的。例如,如果您使用EIDL支付4月份某些工人的工资,则不能将PPP用于支付4月份相同的工人的工资,但您可以将PPP用于3月份或4月份其他不同的工人。

EIDL-8.  题:我怎麽知道我的生意是小型企业?

答:请访问网站 来了解您的企业是否符合SBA的小企业规模标准。您需要提供您企业的6位数字的”北美行业分类代码” North American Industry Classification Code,以及企业的3年平均年收入。

EIDL-9.  题:如何申请”经济伤害灾难贷款” Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)?


EIDL-10.  题:我不熟悉EIDL手续,有人可以帮我申请吗?

答:有的,SBA有如下资源和人员可以帮助您并指导EIDL申请手续。您可以在https://www.sba.gov/local-assistance/find/ 上找到离您最近的”小型企业发展中心” Small Business Development Center(SBDC),”妇女商业中心” Women’s Business Center或SCORE。


如果您像许多小型企业主一样,需要业务顾问来指导您度过这段艰难时光,请到当地的”小型企业发展中心” Small Business Development Center(SBDC),”女性商业中心” Women’s Business Center(WBC)或SCORE等分会问询。这些资源中心、及代理的协会将获得更多资金,以扩大其服务范围。并提供有关COVID-19的最新信息以能更有效地支持小型企业。不久将会出现一个联合平台,组合COVID-19相关的信息和资源,以便为小型企业提供一致、及时的信息。要查找你本地的资源中心,请访问网站 。

此外,专为各少数族裔企业而设的”少数族裔商业发展局”的”商务中心” Minority Business Development Agency’s Business Center(MBDC)也将获得资金加聘员工,并提供资料以帮助各企业应对COVID-19。但并非每个州都有MBDC。要确知是否有适合您所在地区的服务,请访以上网站。


CT-1.  题:如在SBDC,WBC和MBDC谘询和培训, 我须交费用吗?


CT-2 题:什麽是SBDC?

答:SBDC是由近1,000个中心组成的全国性网络,这些中心位于领先的大学,学院,州经济发展机构和私人合作机构。他们为新的和现有的企业提供谘询和培训。每个州都有一个领头中心,专门负责协调有关该州的服务,您可以从这里找到该领头中心。 点击SBDC访问更多信息。

CT-3 题:什麽是WBC?仅女性吗?

答:WBC是由100多个中心组成的全国性网络。对企业家提供多种业务发展的协助,如一对一方式的辅导、并有网络辅导、讲习班、技术援助和指导。除妇女外,WBC还帮助条件不足的企业家(包括低收入企业家)。他们服务的时间灵活,以适应不同企业家的需求。 点击了解有关WBC更多的信息。

CT-4 题:什麽是SCORE?


CT-5 题:MBDC为谁服务?




如果您需要其他帮助,请与当地的”小型企业发展中心”,“女性商业中心”,SCORE分会或SBA地区办公室联繫。您还应该与代理机构的官员以及代理机构的“小型和弱势企业利用办公室” Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization(OSDBU)协商。




  • 对于通过“薪水保护计划”(PPP) 获得帮助的雇主不可用此抵免额信用。信贷提供至2020年12月31日





Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

Small Business Owners’ Guide


The programs and initiatives in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that was just passed by Congress are intended to assist business owners with whatever needs they have right now. When implemented, there will be many new resources available for small businesses, as well as certain non-profits and other employers. This guide provides information about the major programs and initiatives that will soon be available from the Small Business Administration (SBA) to address these needs, as well as some additional tax provisions that are outside the scope of SBA. To keep up to date on when these programs become available, please stay in contact with your local Small Business Administration (SBA) District Office, which you can locate here.

Struggling to get started? The following questions help point you in the right direction. Do you need:

· Capital to cover the cost of retaining employees? Then the Paycheck Protection Program might be right for you.

· A quick infusion of a smaller amount of cash to cover you right now? You might want to look into an Emergency Economic Injury Grant.

· To ease your fears about keeping up with payments on your current or potential SBA loan? The Small Business Debt Relief Program could help.

· Just some quality, free counseling to help you navigate this uncertain economic time. The resource partners might be your best bet.

Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loans

The program would provide cash-flow assistance through 100 percent federally guaranteed loans to employers who maintain their payroll during this emergency. If employers maintain their payroll, the loans would be forgiven, which would help workers remain employed, as well as help affected small businesses and our economy snap-back quicker after the crisis. PPP has a host of attractive features, such as forgiveness of up to 8 weeks of payroll based on employee retention and salary levels, no SBA fees, and at least six months of deferral with maximum deferrals of up to a year. Small businesses and other eligible entities will be able to apply if they were harmed by COVID-19 between February 15, 2020 and June 30, 2020. This program would be retroactive to February 15, 2020, in order to help bring workers who may have already been laid off back onto payrolls. Loans are available through June 30, 2020.


PPP-1. QUESTION:  What types of businesses and entities are eligible for a PPP loan?


· Businesses and entities must have been in operation on February 15, 2020.

· Small business concerns, as well as any business concern, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, a 501(c)(19) veterans organization, or Tribal business concern described in section 31(b)(2)(C) that has fewer than 500 employees, or the applicable size standard in number of employees for the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)industry as provided by SBA, if higher.

· Individuals who operate a sole proprietorship or as an independent contractor and eligible self-employed individuals.

Any business concern that employs not more than 500 employees per physical location of the business concern and that is assigned a NAICS code beginning with 72, for which the affiliation rules are waived.

· Affiliation rules are also waived for any business concern operating as a franchise that is assigned a franchise identifier code by the Administration, and company that receives funding through a Small Business Investment Company.

PPP-2 QUESTION: What are affiliation rules?

Answer: Affiliation rules become important when SBA is deciding whether a business’s affiliations preclude them from being considered “small.” Generally, affiliation exists when one business controls or has the power to control another or when a third party (or parties) controls or has the power to control both businesses. Please see this resource for more on these rules and how they can impact your business’s eligibility.


PPP-3 QUESTION: What types of non-profits are eligible?

Answer:  In general, 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(19) non-profits with 500 employees or fewer as most non-profit SBA size standards are based on revenue, not number of employees. You can check here.


PPP-4 QUESTION:How is the loan size determined?

Answer: Depending on your business’s situation, the loan size will be calculated in different ways (see below). The maximum loan size is always $10 million.

        · If you were in business February 15, 2019 – June 30, 2019: Your max loan is equal to 250 percent of your average monthly payroll costs during that time period. If your business employs seasonal workers, you can opt to choose March 1, 2019 as your time period start date. 

· If you were not in business between February 15, 2019 – June 30, 2019: Your   is equal to 250 percent of your average monthly payroll costs between January1, 2020 and February 29, 2020.

       · If you took out an Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) between February 15, 2020and June 30, 2020 and you want to refinance that loan into a PPP loan, you would add the outstanding loan amount to the payroll sum.

PPP-5 QUESTION:  What costs are eligible for payroll?


· Compensation (salary, wage, commission, or similar compensation, payment of cash tip or equivalent)

· Payment for vacation, parental, family, medical, or sick leave

· Allowance for dismissal or separation

· Payment required for the provisions of group health care benefits, including insurance premiums

· Payment of any retirement benefit

· Payment of State or local tax assessed on the compensation of employees

PPP-6 QUESTION:  What costs are not eligible for payroll?


· Employee/owner compensation over $100,000

· Taxes imposed or withheld under chapters 21, 22, and 24 of the IRS code

· Compensation of employees whose principal place of residence is outside of the U.S.

Qualified sick and family leave for which a credit is allowed under sections 7001 and7003 of the Families First Coronavirus Response Acthttps://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/6201

PPP-7 QUESTION:  What are allowable uses of loan proceeds?


· Payroll costs (as noted above)

· Costs related to the continuation of group health care benefits during periods of paid sick, medical, or family leave, and insurance premiums

· Employee salaries, commissions, or similar compensations (see exclusions above)

· Payments of interest on any mortgage obligation (which shall not include any prepayment of or payment of principal on a mortgage obligation)

· Rent (including rent under a lease agreement)

· Utilities

· Interest on any other debt obligations that were incurred before the covered period

PPP-8 QUESTION:  What are the loan term, interest rate, and fees?

Answer:  For any amounts not forgiven, the maximum term is 10 years, the maximum interest rate is 4 percent, zero loan fees, zero prepayment fee (SBA will establish application fees caps for lenders that charge).

PPP-9 QUESTION:  How is the forgiveness amount calculated?

Answer:  Forgiveness on a covered loan is equal to the sum of the following payroll costs incurred during the covered 8 week period compared to the previous year or time period, proportionate to maintaining employees and wages (excluding compensation over $100,000):

· Payroll costs plus any payment of interest on any covered mortgage obligation (not including any prepayment or payment of principal on a covered mortgage obligation) plus any payment on any covered rent obligation plus and any covered utility payment.

PPP-10 QUESTION:  How do I get forgiveness on my PPP loan?

Answer:  You must apply through your lender for forgiveness on your loan. In this application, you must include:

· Documentation verifying the number of employees on payroll and pay rates, including IRS payroll tax filings and State income, payroll and unemployment insurance filings.

· Documentation verifying payments on covered mortgage obligations, lease obligations, and utilities.

· Certification from a representative of your business or organization that is authorized to certify that the documentation provided is true and that the amount that is being forgiven was used in accordance with the program’s guidelines for use.

PPP-11 QUESTION:  What happens after the forgiveness period?

Answer:  Any loan amounts not forgiven are carried forward as an ongoing loan with max terms of 10 years, at a maximum interest rate of 4%. Principal and interest will continue to be deferred, for a total of 6 months to a year after disbursement of the loan. The clock does not start again.

PPP-12 QUESTION:  Can I get more than one PPP loan?

Answer:  No, an entity is limited to one PPP loan. Each loan will be registered under a Taxpayer Identification Number at SBA to prevent multiple loans to the same entity.

PPP-13 QUESTION:  Where should I go to get a PPP loan from?

Answer:  All current SBA 7(a) lenders (see more about 7(a) here) are eligible lenders for PPP. The Department of Treasury will also be in charge of authorizing new lenders, including non-bank lenders, to help meet the needs of small business owners.

PPP-14 QUESTION:  How does the PPP loan coordinate with SBA’s existing loans?

Answer:  Borrowers may apply for PPP loans and other SBA financial assistance, including Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs), 7(a) loans, 504 loans, and microloans, and also receive investment capital from Small Business Investment Corporations (SBICs). However, you cannot use your PPP loan for the same purpose as your other SBA loan(s). For example, if you use your PPP to cover payroll for the 8-week covered period, you cannot use a different SBA loan product for payroll for those same costs in that period, although you could use it for payroll not during that period or for different workers.


PPP-15 QUESTION:  How does the PPP loan work with the temporary Emergency Economic Injury Grants and the Small Business Debt Relief program?

Answer:  Emergency Economic Injury Grant and Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) recipients and those who receive loan payment relief through the Small Business Debt Relief Program may apply for and take out a PPP loan as long as there is no duplication in the uses of funds. Refer to those sections for more information.

Small Business Debt Relief Program

This program will provide immediate relief to small businesses with non-disaster SBA loans, in particular 7(a), 504, and microloans. Under it, SBA will cover all loan payments on these SBA loans, including principal, interest, and fees, for six months. This relief will also be available to new borrowers who take out loans within six months of the President signing the bill into law.


DRP-1 QUESTION:  Which SBA loans are eligible for debt relief under this program?

Answer:  7(a) loans not made under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), 504 loans, and microloans. Disaster loans are not eligible (see p. 10 for more information on these).

DRP-2 QUESTION:  How does debt relief under this program work with a PPP loan?

Answer:  Borrowers may separately apply for and take out a PPP loan, but debt relief under this program will not apply to a PPP loan.

DRP-3 QUESTION:  How do I know if I’m eligible for a 7(a), 504, or microloan?

Answer:  In general, businesses must meet size standards, be based in the U.S., be able to repay, and have a sound business purpose. To check whether your business is considered small, you will need your business’s 6-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and 3-year average annual revenue. Each program has different requirements, see https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans for more details.

DRP-4 QUESTION:  What is a 7(a) loan and how do I apply?

Answer:  7(a) loans are an affordable loan product of up to $5 million for borrowers who lack credit elsewhere and need access to versatile financing, providing short-term or long-term working capital and to purchase an existing business, refinance current business debt, or purchase furniture, fixtures and supplies. In the program, banks share a portion of the risk of the loan with SBA. There are many different types of 7(a) loans, you can visit this site to find the one that’s best for you. You apply for a 7(a) loan with a bank or a mission-based lender. SBA has a free referral service tool called Lender Match to help find a lender near you.


DRP-5 QUESTION:  What is a 504 loan and how do I apply?

Answer:  The 504 Loan Program provides loans of up to $5.5 million to approved small businesses with long-term, fixed-rate financing used to acquire fixed assets for expansion or modernization. It is a good option if you need to purchase real estate, buildings, and machinery. You apply through a Certified Development Company, which is a nonprofit corporation that promotes economic development. SBA has a free referral service tool called Lender Match to help find a lender near you.


DRP-6 QUESTION:  What is a microloan and how do I apply?

Answer:  The Microloan Program provides loans up to $50,000 to help small businesses and certain not-for-profit childcare centers to start up and expand. The average microloan is about $13,000. These loans are delivered through mission-based lenders who are also able to provide business counseling. SBA has a free referral service tool called Lender Match to help find a microlender near you.


DRP-7 QUESTION:  I am unfamiliar with SBA loans, can anyone help me apply?

Answer:  Yes, SBA resource partners are available to help guide you through the loan application process. You can find your nearest Small Business Development Center (SBDC) or Women’s Business Center here.


Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) & Emergency Injury Grants

These grants provide an emergency advance of up to $10,000 to small businesses and private non-profits harmed by COVID-19 within three days of applying for an SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL). To access the advance, you first apply for an EIDL and then request the advance. The advance does not need to be repaid under any circumstance, and may be used to keep employees on payroll, to pay for sick leave, meet increased production costs due to supply chain disruptions, or pay business obligations, including debts, rent and mortgage payments.


EIDL-1 QUESTION:  Are businesses and private non-profits in my state eligible for an EIDL related to COVID-19?

Answer:  Yes, those suffering substantial economic injury in all 50 states, DC, and the territories may apply for an EIDL.

EIDL-2 QUESTION:  What is an EIDL and what is it used for?

Answer:  EIDLs are lower interest loans of up to $2 million, with principal and interest deferment at the Administrator’s discretion, that are available to pay for expenses that could have been met had the disaster not occurred, including payroll and other operating expenses.

EIDL-3 QUESTION:  Who is eligible for an EIDL?

Answer:  Those eligible are the following with 500 or fewer employees:

· Sole proprietorships, with or without employees

· Independent contractors

· Cooperatives and employee owned businesses

· Tribal small businesses

Small business concerns and small agricultural cooperatives that meet the applicable size standard for SBA are also eligible, as well as most private non-profits of any size. See below for more info on size standards.

EIDL-4 QUESTION:  My private non-profit is not a 501(c)(3). Is it still eligible for an EIDL and a grant?

Answer:  Yes, if you are a private non-profit with an effective ruling letter from the IRS, granting tax exemption under sections 501(c), (d), or (e) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or if you can provide satisfactory evidence from the State that the non-revenue producing organization or entity is a non-profit one organized or doing business under State law. However, a recipient that is principally engaged in teaching, instructing, counseling, or indoctrinating religion or religious beliefs, whether in a religious or secular setting, or primarily engaged in political or lobbying activities is not eligible to receive an EIDL. If you are uncertain whether you qualify, please consult with legal counsel to determine whether your organization meets program criteria.

EIDL-5 QUESTION:  Who is eligible for an Emergency Economic Injury Grant?

Answer: Those eligible for an EIDL and who have been in operation since January 31, 2020, when the public health crisis was announced.

EIDL-6.  QUESTION:  How long are Emergency Economic Injury Grants available?

Answer:  January 31, 2020 – December 31, 2020. The grants are backdated to January 31, 2020 to allow those who have already applied for EIDLs to be eligible to also receive a grant.

EIDL-7.  QUESTION:  If I get an EIDL and/or an Emergency Economic Injury Grant, can I get a PPP loan?

Answer:  Whether you’ve already received an EIDL unrelated to COVID-19 or you receive a COVID-19 related EIDL and/or Emergency Grant between January 31, 2020 and June 30, 2020, you may also apply for a PPP loan. If you ultimately receive a PPP loan or refinance an EIDL into a PPP loan, any advance amount received under the Emergency Economic Injury Grant Program would be subtracted from the amount forgiven in the PPP. However, you cannot use your EIDL for the same purpose as your PPP loan. For example, if you use your EIDL to cover payroll for certain workers in April, you cannot use PPP for payroll for those same workers in April, although you could use it for payroll in March or for different workers in April.

EIDL-8.  QUESTION:  How do I know if my business is a small business?

Answer:  Please visit https://www.sba.gov/size-standards/ to find out if your business meets SBA’s small business size standards. You will need the 6-digit North American Industry Classification Code for your business and your business’s 3-year average annual revenue.

EIDL-9.  QUESTION:  How do I apply for an economic injury disaster loan?

Answer:  To apply for an EIDL online, please visit https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/. Your SBA District Office is an important resource when applying for SBA assistance.

EIDL-10,  QUESTION:  I am unfamiliar with the EIDL process, can anyone help me apply?

Answer:  Yes, SBA resource partners are available to help guide you through the EIDL application process. You can find the nearest Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Women’s Business Center, or SCORE mentorship chapter athttps://www.sba.gov/local-assistance/find/.

Counseling & Training

If you, like many small business owners, need a business counselor to help guide you through this uncertain time, you can turn to your local Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Women’s Business Center (WBC), or SCORE mentorship chapter. These resource partners, and the associations that represent them, will receive additional funds to expand their reach and better support small business owners with counseling and up-to-date information regarding COVID-19. There will soon be a joint platform that consolidates information and resources related to COVID-19 in order to provide consistent, timely information to small businesses. To find a local resource partner, visit https://www.sba.gov/local-assistance/find/.

In addition, the Minority Business Development Agency’s Business Centers (MBDCs), which cater to minority business enterprises of all sizes, will also receive funding to hire staff and provide programming to help their clients respond to COVID-19. Not every state has a MBDC. To find out if there is one that services your area, visit this site.


CT-1.  QUESTION:  Do I have to pay for counseling and training through SBDCs, WBCs, and MBDCs?

Answer:  Counseling is free and training is low-cost with these partners. The additional funds that Congress provided will help keep this possible. Mentorship through SCORE is always free.

CT-2 QUESTION:  What is a SBDC?

Answer:  SBDCs are a national network of nearly 1,000 centers that are located at leading universities, colleges, state economic development agencies and private partners. They provide counseling and training to new and existing businesses. Each state has a lead center that coordinates services specifically for that state, which you can find by  

clicking the link above. To find out more about SBDCs, visithttps://americassbdc.org/about-us/.

CT-3 QUESTION:  What is a WBC; is it only for women?

Answer:  WBCs are a national network of more than 100 centers that offer one-on-one counseling, training, networking, workshops, technical assistance and mentoring to entrepreneurs on numerous business development topics. In addition to women, WBCs are mandated to serve the needs of underserved entrepreneurs, including low-income entrepreneurs. They often offer flexible hours to meet the needs of their diverse clientele. To find out more about WBCs, visithttps://www.awbc.org/.


Answer: SCORE provides free, confidential business advice through our volunteer network of 10,000+ business experts. You can meet with a mentor online. Find out more here.

CT-5 QUESTION:  Who do MBDCs serve?

Answer:  MBDCs are a good option for minority-owned businesses (including those owned by Black, Hispanic, Asian American/Pacific Islander, and American Indian business owners), especially those seeking to penetrate new markets — domestic & global — and grow in size and scale.


If you are a government contractor, there are a number of ways that Congress has provided relief and protection for your business. Agencies will be able to modify terms and conditions of a contract and to reimburse contractors at a billing rate of up to 40 hours per week of any paid leave, including sick leave. The contractors eligible are those whose employees or subcontractors cannot perform work on site and cannot telework due to federal facilities closing because of COVID-19.

If you need additional assistance, please reach out to your local Small Business Development Center, Women’s Business Center, SCORE chapter, or SBA District Office. You should also work with your agency’s contracting officer, as well as the agency’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU).

Small Business Tax Provisions

Employee Retention Credit for Employers Subject to Closure or Experiencing Economic Hardship

This provision would provide a refundable payroll tax credit for 50 percent of wages paid by eligible employers to certain employees during the COVID-19 crisis. The credit is available to employers, including non-profits, whose operations have been fully or partially suspended as a result of a government order limiting commerce, travel or group meetings. The credit is also provided to employers who have experienced a greater than 50 percent reduction in quarterly receipts, measured on a year-over-year basis.

Wages of employees who are furloughed or face reduced hours as a result of their employer’s closure or economic hardship are eligible for the credit. For employers with 100 or fewer full-time employees, all employee wages are eligible, regardless of whether an employee is furloughed. The credit is provided for wages and compensation, including health benefits, and is provided for the first $10,000 in wages and compensation paid by the employer to an eligible employee. Wages do not include those taken into account for purposes of the payroll credits for required paid sick leave or required paid family leave, nor for wages taken into account for the employer credit for paid family and medical leave (IRC sec. 45S).

· The credit is not available to employers receiving assistance through the Paycheck Protection Program. The credit is provided through December 31, 2020.

Delay of Payment of Employer Payroll Taxes

This provision would allow taxpayers to defer paying the employer portion of certain payroll taxes through the end of 2020, with all 2020 deferred amounts due in two equal installments, one at the end of 2021, the other at the end of 2022. Payroll taxes that can be deferred include the employer portion of FICA taxes, the employer and employee representative portion of Railroad Retirement taxes (that are attributable to the employer FICA rate), and half of SECA tax liability.

Deferral is not provided to employers receiving assistance through the Paycheck Protection Program.