被7人围殴华裔系芝加哥广东籍移民 被殴原因众说纷纭


芝加哥侨学网 18日更新报道 】芝加哥唐人街附近华裔青少年遭围殴案,七名犯罪嫌疑人(包括一名15岁少女)18日已被起诉“抢劫”及“恶性斗殴”两项重罪。其中一名白人青少年已被以成年人身份起诉,其他六名则已移交青少年拘留中心等候处理,警方并未公布这六名未成年人的姓名。

18日,库克郡检察长办公室公布相关起诉罪名。犯罪嫌疑人雷蒙(Raymond Palomino),为17岁白人男孩,即录像中唯一没有戴面罩者。他已被以成年人身份起诉抢劫、恶性斗殴两项重罪,保释金10万美元。目前男孩的父亲没有缴纳保释金。

嫌疑人雷蒙家住桥港区( 35 St. & Hoyne Ave附近), 为唐人街附近 Kelly High School 学生,其父亲迈克帕罗米诺(Michael Palomino)在库克郡警长办公室工作,他在得知打人录像后,主动将儿子交给警方法办。嫌疑人雷蒙的母亲目前仍在监狱服刑。

迈克帕罗米诺(Michael Palomino)18日公开表示儿子的行为让人心情难以平静,并已向受害者道歉。Michael Palomino 已在库克郡警长办公室工作30年,他表示,犯罪嫌疑人们对受害者的所作所为让人心情难以平静,当他得知自己的儿子介入这次斗殴案后,他主动将儿子送交警方 法办。

被起诉的六名青少年均未成年,警方没有公布他们的姓名。这六名未成年嫌疑犯,包括2名16岁男孩,3名15男孩,1名15岁女孩。 七名犯罪嫌疑人,除一名住在郊区Arlington Heights, 其他均在芝加哥市内居住。这六名嫌疑人将以青少年身份法办,六个人均被控抢劫及恶性斗殴,目前已移交青少年拘留中心等候处理。

暴力围殴案发生在1月15日下午4时,地点为芝加哥唐人街附近(28街 夹Princeton)附近。据库克郡检察长办公室助理检察长(Assistant Cook County State’s Attorney) 安东纳提(Erin Antonietti)表示,案发当时,犯罪嫌疑人唆使15岁女孩将受害者诱骗到偏僻的巷道,然后开始施暴。犯罪嫌疑人们对受害者拳打脚踢,在雪地上拖 行,并用冰块及运动鞋攻击受害人。


芝加哥警方指出这起斗殴案件“没有显示出具有种族方面的动机”(did not appear to be racially motivated)。受害青少年在芝加哥南城区Curie High School 就读,受害者身上多处淤青、割伤,在案发后被送往附近的Mercy Hospital 治疗,目前受害人并无大碍。

据悉,此暴力录像被放上互联网(You Tube)后,很快被You Tube公司删除,但已经很多人将其下载转发。芝加哥警方表示,暴力视频对警方缉拿犯罪嫌疑人有很大帮助。

需要特别指出的是,录像中的犯罪嫌疑并非 “芝城华龙体育社” 成员,据可靠消息来源指出,芝城华龙体育社的成员只是认识部分犯罪嫌疑人,此前同他们打过篮球而已。侨社有关打人者是华龙体育社成员的传言并不属实。

(消息来源: 芝加哥第21警局、Chicago Tribue, Chicago Sun Times, ABC7 Chicago,侨社消息人士 )

引發眾怒!高中生圍毆華生 警局、僑社關注

January 18, 2012 06:06 AM |



根 據華裔警官陳黃玉英透過芝加哥華商會發布消息指出,被毆青少年是來自中國的華人移民,目前在芝市一所公立高中就讀,他當天原本要和一名約他出來的17歲少 女在28街和普林斯頓街附近午餐,結果被六至八名就讀芝市另一所高中的學生攔下痛毆,數人對他拳打腳踢,並將他推倒在雪地上拖行。

根據被公布在You tube的影片,受害者被踢打的情況一目了然,還有一名青少年拿出受害人背包裡的一隻球鞋,對著青少年臉部猛打。在圍毆受害人後,犯案青少年還取走其180元現金以及一隻鞋子。

在影片中,作案青少年全部穿著連帽夾克,看不到臉部,只有一名可能是白人的青少年露出臉孔。據了解,這群青少年,透過攝影機拍下毆人過程,事後還上傳至You tube網站,後來發現情況不妙,想要取下,但該畫面已被他人下載轉寄,成為警方破案的重要線索。

由 於作案青少年中有兩名白人,其餘均為華裔,根據芝加哥論壇報引述警方說法,此案應與仇恨犯罪和種族歧視無關。陳黃玉英表示,受害人在案發後被送往慈愛醫 院,因嘴唇破裂、臉部受傷接受治療,並檢查腦部是否受到傷害。據了解,受害人向警方表示,其中一名施暴青少年過去曾與他有過節。

華諮處總幹事黃蘇振恩16日晚間接獲多位員工傳來的You Tube畫面,隨即進一步了解案情, 17日上午和華埠更好團結聯盟主席陳增華等人在華諮處召開會議。

據 了解,犯案青少年來自一所華裔學生占相當比例的公立高中,華埠更好團結聯盟也和該校關係密切,該聯盟將著手和公校聯繫,希望了解華裔學生在學校中的情形。 華諮處也將透過參加該處青少年計畫的高中生,多方面了解相關情況。此外,並將透過課程,教導學生如何處理衝突和化解怨氣。



实拍:美国小混混围殴华裔学生 被打者流血不还手(文/视频)

  血流披面 廣東話求饒

  該片段名為「helpless asian man attacked and jumped by 7 others behind school」(無助亞裔人士遭七人襲擊),片段長達兩分半鐘,前日上載至YouTube網站,片中一名約十多歲的華裔青少年在一處滿布積雪的街頭遭約七 名青少年圍毆,其中一人屬外籍青年,其他人則蒙着面,他們不停以拳頭和腳踢該華裔青年的頭部,他被打至面部流血,不支倒地,只能以手掩頭,他曾向逞兇者求饒不果,以廣東話大叫「唔好打」,最後成功奔離現場。


     另据英文消息曝光,打人者的身份分别是:WESLEY WU – grey hoodie, main kid attacking the man.EASLEY WU – big puffy jackey with fur hood, blue striped adidas pants.RAYMOND PALOMINO – white guy with no mask.TODD RAMOS – grey and black hoodie.JOHNNY LI – blue hoodie and blue snap back on.DANNY HUI – dressed in all black.有消息指,这次围殴事件不是种族仇恨,或者简单的抢劫,而是一次报复行为。


芝加哥侨学网综合报道】1月15日发生在芝加哥唐人街附近桥港区的一起华裔青少年遭围殴的暴力视频,自17日开始在网上广为传播,并被New York Times, Washington Post, Fox News 等几乎各大美国主流媒体报道,全球中文网络媒体也广为传播。这则视频最先出现在You Tube 上,17日当日You Tube 公司已以“煽动种族仇恨”为由删除,但在凤凰网优酷网等中文网络媒体上能看到。

案发地点为28 St 夹Princeton Ave,就在 Jame Ward Elementary School 后面的巷道。暴力视频反映了六个青少年(四个华裔,两名为白人)围殴一名17岁华裔青少年的内容,施暴者拳打、脚踢受害者,用冰块、受害者的运动鞋袭击受 害者,并多次使用“黑鬼”这个种族歧视词汇。视频中打人最凶狠者(穿灰色上衣者)也是华裔,姓吴,家住桥港区。


芝加哥警方认为这次案属于抢劫类,因为受害者被抢走了$180 现金,以及一只运动鞋。但是受害者自称是一起报复事件。案发当时,受害者已约好一名女孩出去吃午餐。据美国主流媒体报道,受害者认识其中的一位也是17岁的施暴者。


被打者身体多处淤青、割伤,在事后被送往Mercy Hospital 医治,目前在家中静养。据芝加哥21警察分局消息,参与施暴的青少年(包括四名华裔,两名白人青少年),均已被芝加哥警方逮捕,警方稍后会公布新闻通告。

很明显,这起打人事件是有预谋的,拍摄视频者始终在场,并出于某种想法,通过某种途径将其发布在You Tube 上。


http://v.ifeng.com/vblog/dv/2012 … -683b4023d404.shtml


( 芝加哥侨学网将及时更新案件进展 )



  CHICAGO — Six teenagers were being questioned by Chicago police Tuesday after a video was posted online showing the brutal beating of a 17-year-old by unknown assailants who can be heard repeating racial slurs and making derogatory comments about speaking Chinese.

  On the video, several attackers — many with sweat shirt hoods over their heads and some wearing masks — are seen repeatedly kicking and punching the victim to the snow-covered ground Sunday afternoon on the city’s South Side. Authorities said the victim is of Asian descent, but despite the epithets, police said the beating did not appear racially motivated.

  Throughout the more than 3-minute video, the assailants, whose racial identities are unclear, can be heard using the N-word dozens of times, and one attacker asks, “Am I speaking Chinese to you?”

  The videotaped attack on a teen in Chicago isn’t the first to go viral. In 2009, footage of the fatal beating of a 16-year-old honor student was circulated worldwide, providing an example of escalating violence that claimed the lives of more than 20 Chicago public school students in a six-month period.

  In the most recent video, the assailants at times used a shoe and a chunk of ice to strike the victim, as he pleads for them to stop in what sounds like broken or heavily accented English. However, the audio isn’t always clear in the video, which was posted on YouTube and later removed for violating the site’s policy “prohibiting hate speech.” At the end of the video, the victim runs away with the assailants chasing him.

  The victim was taken to a hospital for a laceration to his lip, bruising and abrasions, authorities said.

  Police said the motive was robbery. The attackers allegedly took a pair of gym shoes, the victim’s wallet and nearly $200 in cash.

  Chicago police spokesman Mike Sullivan said six teenagers were being questioned Tuesday in connection with the beating. No charges had been filed.

  “At this time, it does not appear that this incident was racially motivated,” a Tuesday statement from the police department said. Chicago authorities declined to discuss further details, citing a pending investigation.

  Members of CeaseFire, Chicago’s most well-known anti-violence advocacy group, said that it did appear race was a factor in the attack, especially because of the usage of slurs.

  “People use the ‘N-word’ whether they’re African American, Latino or Asian,” said CeaseFire director Tio Hardiman. “But when you beat up a guy, it’s racially motivated.”

  On the 2009 video captured by a cellphone camera, Derrion Albert is seen being punched and hit over his head with large boards and kicked in the head. The fight broke out after classes let out of a high school on Chicago’ South Side.

  Four teens were sentenced to lengthy prison sentences last year in the case that sparked outrage around the country. A fifth suspect tried as a juvenile was ordered to remain imprisoned until he turns 21.

  Albert’s death prompted President Barack Obama to send U.S. Attorney Eric Holder and Education Secretary Arne Duncan to the city to discuss ways to end the violence.

  "Police are investigating the beating of a male teen in the wake of a disturbing YouTube video that shows a prolonged attack in a Bridgeport alley.

  The videotaped assault happened shortly between 4 p.m. and 4:20 p.m. Sunday in the 2800 hundred block of South Princeton Avenue, Chicago police told CBS 2.

  The 17-year-old victim was jumped by seven offenders and was robbed of his gym shoes, wallet and money, police said.

  It’s not clear who recorded the 3-minute, 39-second video. It shows several youths chasing, punching and kicking the victim. The faces of most of the offenders are not visible, but they appear to be in the age range of the youth they are attacking.

  The victim was treated and released at Mercy Hospital. According to police, the robbers took about $180 from the boy.

Beating of Chicago teen filmed, posted online


CHICAGO (AP) — Six teenagers were being questioned by Chicago police Tuesday after a video was posted online showing the brutal beating of a 17-year-old by unknown assailants who can be heard repeating racial slurs and making derogatory comments about speaking Chinese.

On the video, several attackers — many with sweat shirt hoods over their heads and some wearing masks — are seen repeatedly kicking and punching the victim to the snow-covered ground Sunday afternoon on the city’s South Side. Authorities said the victim is of Asian descent, but despite the epithets, police said the beating did not appear racially motivated.

Throughout the more than 3-minute video, the assailants, whose racial identities are unclear, can be heard using the N-word dozens of times, and one attacker asks, "Am I speaking Chinese to you?"

The videotaped attack on a teen in Chicago isn’t the first to go viral. In 2009, footage of the fatal beating of a 16-year-old honor student was circulated worldwide, providing an example of escalating violence that claimed the lives of more than 20 Chicago public school students in a six-month period.

In the most recent video, the assailants at times used a shoe and a chunk of ice to strike the victim, as he pleads for them to stop in what sounds like broken or heavily accented English. However, the audio isn’t always clear in the video, which was posted on YouTube and later removed for violating the site’s policy "prohibiting hate speech." At the end of the video, the victim runs away with the assailants chasing him.

The victim was taken to a hospital for a laceration to his lip, bruising and abrasions, authorities said.

Police said the motive was robbery. The attackers allegedly took a pair of gym shoes, the victim’s wallet and nearly $200 in cash.

Chicago police spokesman Mike Sullivan said six teenagers were being questioned Tuesday in connection with the beating. No charges had been filed.

"At this time, it does not appear that this incident was racially motivated," a Tuesday statement from the police department said. Chicago authorities declined to discuss further details, citing a pending investigation.

Members of CeaseFire, Chicago’s most well-known anti-violence advocacy group, said that it did appear race was a factor in the attack, especially because of the usage of slurs.

"People use the ‘N-word’ whether they’re African American, Latino or Asian," said CeaseFire director Tio Hardiman. "But when you beat up a guy, it’s racially motivated."

On the 2009 video captured by a cellphone camera, Derrion Albert is seen being punched and hit over his head with large boards and kicked in the head. The fight broke out after classes let out of a high school on Chicago’ South Side.

Four teens were sentenced to lengthy prison sentences last year in the case that sparked outrage around the country. A fifth suspect tried as a juvenile was ordered to remain imprisoned until he turns 21.

Albert’s death prompted President Barack Obama to send U.S. Attorney Eric Holder and Education Secretary Arne Duncan to the city to discuss ways to end the violence.