
C.W. Chan, CBCAC Chairperson, (312) 933-7373 (mobile)
Theresa Mah, CBCAC Policy Consultant, (419) 297-1232 (mobile)

Governor Quinn to Sign Redistricting Legislation (SB3976)
in The Heart of Chinatown

What: Governor Pat Quinn’s public signing of the Illinois Voting Rights Act of 2011 (SB3976), also known as the “Redistricting Bill” or “The Chinatown Bill”
Where: The Grand Hall of the Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Court, Chicago, IL 60616
When: 1:30 pm, Monday, March 7, 2011

Chicago, IL, March 7, 2010 – The Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community (CBCAC) and the Chinese American Service League welcome Governor Pat Quinn to the heart of Chinatown for the signing of SB3976, the Illinois Voting Rights Act of 2011. Sponsored by Senator Kwame Raoul, Chair of the Redistricting Committee in the Senate, and Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie in the Illinois House of Representatives, the bill was designed to protect minority voters that constitute less than a voting-age majority of a district. The bill defines ―crossover districts,‖ ―coalition districts,‖ and ―influence districts‖ for racial or language minorities whose population is not large enough to constitute the majority of a district.
While the Illinois Voting Rights Act of 2011 (SB3976) will protect the voting rights of any racial or language minority group, the bill is particularly relevant to the Chicago Chinatown community because of its desire to rectify the dilution of its voting power as a result of the
redistricting process ten years ago. The Chinatown community encompasses more than 60
contiguous precincts densely populated by 25,000 Chinese Americans in the neighborhood areas
of Armour Square, South loop, Bridgeport, McKinley Park and Brighton Park. As a result of
2001 redistricting, Chinatown was cut up into four wards, four state representative districts, three
state senate districts, and three Congressional districts. This fragmentation has contributed to
inadequate schools and libraries, non-existent recreational facilities, limited affordable housing,
and underfunded social services in the neighborhood.
CBCAC is especially thrilled to welcome the Governor to Chinatown for the signing of this bill
because it confirms widespread recognition of the need to change the existing legislative maps of
Chinatown. CBCAC has been working from the beginning to champion this legislation. The bill
passed unanimously out of the Senate Redistricting Committee in November and was
overwhelmingly approved by the State Senate 53-4. The measure was subsequently approved by
the House of Representatives at the beginning of January.
The most recent census figures show that the Chinatown population has increased by almost
40%. Furthermore, community organizing efforts led by CBCAC have succeeded in tripling the
number of registered Chinese American voters in this area since a decade ago. In the recent
municipal elections, voter outreach efforts succeeded in significantly increasing voter turnout in
five of the seven precincts where volunteers contacted voters—in some precincts by as much as
34%. Yet, ―Even though there are rapidly increasing numbers of Chinese voters and residents,
we are so cut up that our collective voting power, along with accountability of elected officials
and attention to issues, are greatly diminished.‖ says CW Chan, Chairperson of CBCAC.
With the Governor’s signing of SB3976, or ―The Chinatown Bill,‖ as the community has come
to know it, Chinatown is looking forward to having a stronger voice in the remapping process.
While the process is complex and far from over, SB3976 offers greater hope that the Chinatown
community will not be disregarded as it was in 2001.
The Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community (CBCAC) consists of eight major service organizations in the community.
CBCAC’s mission is to empower Chinese American communities in Greater Chicago through organizing, civic participation, education and
coalition building. CBCAC’s members are: Asian American Institute www.aaichicago.org; Chinese American Civic Council; Chinese American
Service League www.caslservice.org; Chicago Chinatown Chamber of Commerce www.chicagochinatown.org; Chinese Mutual Aid Association
www.chinesemutualaid.org; OCA Chicago Chapter www.ocachicago.org; Pui Tak Center www.puitak.org; and Southeast Asia Center www.seasiacenter.




Governor Quinn signing Voting Rights Act of  Illinois  2011 at CASL Monday 3/7/2011‏
We just received notice that Governor Quinn has accepted our invitation to sign the recently passed redistricting bill, the "Voting Rights Act of Illinois 2011" this coming Monday at 1:30 PM at the Chinese American Service League grand hall.  This is a very important event and a high point of all the recent redistricting activities.  However, this came at very short notice and we were also advised that we should not send out any official invitation or notice before the Governor’s press office makes its official announcement.  Please consider this an informal alert and notify members of your organizations and plan to attend.  More details forthcoming.





文章来源:芝加哥侨学网   时间:2011年03月05日


伊州州长奎恩办公室已宣布,州长奎恩(Pat Quinn)将于在3月7日前来芝加哥唐人街签署2011伊州投票权法案(Illinois Voting Rights Act of 2011), 这项俗称“唐人街法案”(Chinatown Bill),主张在选区划分中考虑少数族裔的权益,对唐人街选区重划具有重大意义。


华埠更好团结联盟拟向州议会提交的华埠选区重划建议书中,选区重划范围除了上图中的红线区域外,还可能包括顶端沿Roosevelt 街向西延伸的一块区域,整个选区重划地区将呈 U 形 


芝加哥市四个华人聚居区,总人口超过2.5万,这四个社区彼此相连 无间断,符合选区重划原则。唐人街社区(Armour Square,红线区域):华人人口共9721人。唐人街仍是芝加哥是亚裔人口最密集地区。桥港区(Bridgeport,黄线区域):华人人口总数最 多,达11038人。麦肯利社区(McKinley Park,蓝线区域):华人总人口2445人,而且增长最快,增幅达104%。布瑞顿社区 (Brighton Park,紫线区域):人口增速65.3%, 华人总人口为2252人。



由华埠更好团结联盟推动的选区重划,最重要的目标就是要将芝加哥市内四个华裔居民集中的区域(包括唐人街在内的Armour Square, Bridgeport, McKinley Park, Brighton Park),划入同一个伊州众议员选区,避免十年前选区重划中华人聚居区被肢解分割的不利局面。目前,芝加哥唐人街区域被分割成为四个州众议员选区、三个 州参议员选区。据悉,每十年进行一次的人口普查结果出台后,联邦、州、市各级立法机构都会更具最新的人口分布状态,重新划分各级议会立法议员的选区。


陈增华表示,该联盟届时向伊州众议会递交的“华埠选区重划建议书”中,有关唐人街及周边地区的州议员选区地区,范围会超过上述四个华裔聚居区,这是 为了留有“讨价还价”的余地。陈增华强调,选区重划的最后底线,就是要确保上述四个社区中共2万5000个华人,划入同一个伊州众议员选区。

根据2010年人口普查结果显示,芝加哥市所划分的77个行政区中,华人聚居的桥港区(Bridgeport)、麦金利公园区(McKinley Park)、布瑞顿公园区(Brighton Park)以及华埠商圈所属的艾慕广场区(Armour Square),华人总人口已超过2万5000人。




据介绍,一个芝加哥市议员(区长)选区,人口约为5.3万,而一个伊州众议员选区的人口约为10.9万。以2010人口普查结果看,华人聚居的 Armour Square ,Bridgeport,McKinley Park,以及 Brighton Park这四个区华人人口总和也只有25,456人。不过陈增华表示,上述四个华人聚居区,彼此毗邻相邻无间断,这非常符合选区划分的原则。

据透露,芝加哥市内2.5万多华人被划入同一个伊州众议员选区的可能性很大。州长即将在3月7日前来芝加哥唐人街签署“唐人街法案”,而且伊州议长、民主党领袖迈克麦迪根(Michael Madigan)以及相关州议员,都已表达支持华埠更团结联盟有关选区重划的构想。

有关伊州州议员选区重划的草案,必须由多数党派的民主党在今年6月30日前提交伊州议会,以进行审议及表决。据悉,两个州众议员选区等于一个州参议员选区。 (芝加哥侨学网


有关2010人口普查(Census 2010)中,芝加哥市华人人口详情,请点击





  星岛日报記者鄭立民芝加哥報道:根據2010人口普查具體資料,芝加哥唐人街(Amour Square 社區)華人居民人口為9721人,10年來增長37%,華人在唐人街所在社區的人口比例已高達73%。


  10年以來,唐人街所在社區的白人、黑人居民人口均呈下降趨勢,拉丁裔人口數量基本不變:白人從10年前的2107人減少到 1642 人,減幅約22%;黑裔人口從2072人減少到 1419 人,減幅31.5%;  拉丁裔居民10年前為446人,如今為464人,基本維持不變。

  同10年前相比,在唐人街所在的Armour Square 社區,華人居民所佔人口比例增加了13.61%;白人比例則減少5.25%;黑人比例減少了6.62%;拉丁裔減少了0.24%。華人人口以72.59% 的比例呈「一族獨大」態勢。Armour Square社區總居民人口為:1萬3391人。


  唐人街西南方向的橋港區(Bridgeport),總人口3萬1977人,華人居民總數為11038,與2000年人口普查數據相比,華人人口 增加了30%。10年前,橋港區仍以白人居民居多(41.19%),10年後,華人與白人幾乎並列成?橋港區人口最多的族裔:華人11038人,佔社區總 人口的34.52%;白人總人口 11225,佔社區總人口35.1%;拉丁裔居民8627人,佔26.98%,;黑人672人,佔2.1%。



  在華人人口集中的麥肯利社區(McKinley Park),總人口1萬5612人,其中華人居民共2445人。從2000年的1199人增加到如今的2445人,麥肯利社區華人居民數量增長超過兩倍。 如今,麥肯利社區總人口中,華人人口比例佔15.66% (2445人);白人佔17.08%(2667人);拉丁裔佔64.76% (10111人);黑人佔1.5%(234人)。

  唐人街(Armour Square),以及西南方向的橋港區、麥肯利社區,是傳統意義上華人聚居的社區,10年來麥肯利社區以超過兩倍的增幅,成為華人人口增幅最快的社區。如 今,麥肯利社區是以拉丁裔居民為主(64.76%,)的社區,華人所佔比例(15.66%)已趨近白人所在比例(17.08%)。


  在麥肯利區西南的布萊頓(Brighton Park)社區,總人口45,368人,華人居民總數為2252人。10年來該社區華人人口增幅為65.3%。如今,布萊頓社區總人口中,華人人口比例佔 4.96% (2252人);白人佔8.12% (3682人);拉丁裔佔85.29% (3萬9693人);黑人佔1.19% (542人)。在布萊頓社區,華人居民雖然只佔該社區總人口的4.96%,但總數已達2252人。

  上述四個社區華人居民人口總數為:2萬5456人。上述四個社區中華人人口資料,是以2010人口普查統計結果中的「亞裔」為準,目前尚無具體 的華裔人口在各社區的分佈資料。華埠更好團結聯盟主席陳增華表示,以上四個社區中現實經驗看,「亞裔」人口資料基本可100%等同於「華裔」。

  特別值得指出的是,在唐人街以北,市中心Loop 以南的Near South Side社區, 亞裔居民人口已從432人劇增至3307人,10年來增幅將近八倍。市中心Loop社區亞裔人口,也從10年前的1588人 猛增到4658人,增長近三倍。



《話題》華埠法案 十年有成
March 05, 2011




伊州州長奎恩將於下周一(7日)到芝城華埠,簽署被視為少數族裔選舉權益重大里程碑的「2011伊州投票權法案」(Illinois Voting Rights Act of 2011),這項被稱為「華埠法案」(Chinatown Bill)的新法,在華埠更好團結聯盟主導下,經過十年努力,終於開花結果,聯盟的下一個目標則是運用這個法案,將華人聚居的廣義華埠,全畫在同一個伊州 州眾議員選區。

根據2010年人口普查結果顯示,芝加哥市華人聚居的橋港區(Bridgeport)、麥金利公園區 (McKinley Park)、布萊頓公園區(Brighton Park)以及華埠商圈所屬的艾慕廣場區(Armour Square)的華裔人口,約超過2萬5000人。上述所謂廣義的華埠,目前被畫分為四個伊州眾議員選區、三個伊州參議員選區。


最 新的人口普查顯示,2010年華埠商圈所屬的艾慕廣場區華人人口為9721,比十年前普查結果增加2624人,增幅為37%;橋港區2010年華人人口為 1萬38人,較十年前增加2532人,增幅30%;麥金利公園區華人人口為2445,比2000年增加1246人,增幅高達104%;布萊頓公園區華人人 口 2010年為2252人,比十年前多出890人,增幅65.3%。

由華埠更好團結聯盟提出的華埠選區重畫草案中,建議伊 州眾議員的新選區,以上述四個華人聚居的「心臟地區」為據點,向東擴展到密西根大道以東的一、兩條街,以南擴展到Pershing街,向北到羅斯福路以北 的一、兩個街道,西則沿著伊州史帝文森公路(Stevenson Highway,I-55)西南斜向路線為範圍,形成馬蹄形的選區。

陳 增華表示,一個伊州眾議員選區的人口為10萬9000人,而華埠選區重畫草案中的人口,包括亞裔2萬7341人(30.54%)、西語裔2萬6949人 (30.07%)、白人2萬 4750人(27.61%)、非裔9275人(10.35%),共8萬9632人。其中的亞裔人口中,華裔至少有2萬5000人。

